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Soul Continuum Healing 


Experience Real Soul Growth And Development 





I am delighted to offer this NEW workshop to be taken over 2 consecutive days.  It is primarily for those for want to extend their knowledge of energy work, and are used to meditation and or trance work.  An understanding and experience of Past Life Regression Therapy, Future Life Progression and Between Lives Sessions is incredibly beneficial but not essential.

Through my studies of the modalities stated above over the last four years, I have begun to realise that the Soul is more than these parts.  I have loved my work with Past Lives, Future Lives and Between Lives, and continue to use them regularly both for my own Soul development and that of my clients. However, I know that our Soul is far more than this.  For me the Soul is an eternal stream of energy moving through time and space indefinitely.  The essence of us can never be destroyed but merely moulded into different forms.  We are energetic beings having this human experience, but when we are ready to move on our Soul goes back to source, to the Universe, to be reincarnated into whatever form we chose.

I have discovered that through hypnosis techniques, it is possible to connect to that continuous stream of existence at any point.  We can connect to not only our Past Lives, our Future Lives and the periods between incarnations, but to different parts of our Soul in many different ways, in order to trigger deep and profound understandings and healings. 

I have used these techniques within my 5 Key Soul Continuum readings which you can read about on my website, and have included a recent review below;


Review of 5 Key Soul Continuum reading;


"This reading was amazing, not only did I received insights into past and future lives, it also cleared energy and trauma from these lives over a 24 hour period."


"Normally I don't go for readings as my expectations are often higher than the reading. Definitely not the case with this soul continuum reading. I felt like I had received an immense healing too!"  


"The reading has shifted old beliefs patterns and put me in an aligned state with my soul and higher self." SUZIE



This workshop is about my experience of connecting to that Soul energy, exploring and sharing the connection with you, as well as the techniques and processes that I have successfully used to access information and insights.  It is a workshop of exploration and pushing the boundaries of working with Soul energy to obtain real Soul growth and development.

Along with my Soul work I have also channelled various symbols which I have used effectively within my healing sessions. They have proved to be of a high vibration and have seen immediate and deep energetic effects on my clients.  I have been drawn to include the symbols I have been given within this healing workshop, as they seem integral to the understandings that I have gained throughout this work.

The Universe does not speak languages, it does not understand what we are verbally saying but it does understand symbols and frequencies.  Symbols are the Universe’s energetic language and keys to accessing these different frequencies.  Mikae Usui, when teaching Reiki, used symbols to assist those students who were struggling to connect to the different energies.  They are here to assist us to connect to frequencies which may be normally out of reach to us.  In this way we can hold them in our energy and allow their vibration to assist our healing.

I firmly believe that all of us need to work together to assist the vibration of our race collectively to rise, and that it is more beneficial to work together than compete against one another.  In this spirit I have set out one of the clearing symbols below for you to use and experiment with.  This symbol clears the energy of debris in the form of negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs.  As with all energy treatments clients may feel rough after its use, and I would advise them to be kind to themselves, get rest and drink lots of fluids.  The effects will pass in time and the energy will clear.

To use either draw the symbol on a piece of paper and place it under your treatment table, or draw it with your hand into their energy field with the intention to gently clear their energy field of anything which is ready to be released.

I hope you enjoy using this symbol and should you have any queries or observations please do not hesitate to email me with them.  I would love to hear about your experiences and learnings.














Clearing Symbol Review


"I received this symbol via a chi ball, when I called the symbol in I could feel it filling and extending all the way to the outer edges of my energy field. It felt immense. I then connected with my DNA on a physical and energetic level, and sensed a purging throughout my DNA." KATE


"This symbol felt incredibly powerful and the whole experience lasted a good ten minutes. It was a deep healing experience." ELLIE


I hope you will feel drawn to join me on this fascinating, profound and healing journey.








Level 1 

VENUE – Braintree, Essex (Exact location will be given on booking)

INVESTMENT - £150  -  £75 non-refundable deposit payable on booking


 I am  offering one on one skype sessions for those with the relevant experience, as I am aware that we all have busy lives.  The sessions can be taken at different times, in the comfort of your own home, until all the content of the course has been covered. Investment - £300 - £150 non-refundable deposit payable on booking.

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